Creator's Mark 144_given to CommunityArkProject

Creator's Mark 144_given to CommunityArkProject
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Monday, April 8, 2019

Part 1 - Communal-Family Lifestyle (One Of Several Components For A Corruption Free Community)

Our community adopt a communal-family model instead of the monogamous nuclear family model, to ensure success and long term stability, and most importantly....  to prevent corruption & betrayal.  Monogamy and nuclear family mentality is one of the root causes of corruption.  Why?  Because they promote favoritism which leads to corruption.  Out of favoritism, people are willing to betray, back-stab & abandon others in their community for their significant others.  As a matter of fact, the phrase "significant other" in of itself should already clue people into this fact.  When people are introducing their significant other to you; what they are saying is, they are willing to betray and abandon you for this other person in a crisis situation.  Because this other person or persons are more significant, more important than everyone else in their eyes.  That is why whenever a crisis or problem arises in a monogamous society, you always see monogamous people & nuclear families start turning against each others.  They will start to rob, murder, or abandon others in their community to ensure their own survival and the survival of their significant others.

The current Venezuela Crisis is a perfect example of the consequences of having monogamous & nuclear family mentality during a crisis.  The Venezuelans, because of their monogamous & nuclear family culture, do not work together to produce what they need during a crisis.   Instead, they turn against each others to rob and kill to get what they need to survive.  Why?  Because they only care about themselves and their significant others, and they are willing to back-stab, betray, and abandon everyone else who is not their significant others.

See anything odd about Venezuela in the video above?....   It's full of lush greenery!  The land in Venezuela is very fertile and receive plenty of rainfall.  So how come the people aren't working together to grow food & produce what they need?  But instead they would rather waste their time engaging in violent destructive activities, like protesting and robbing each others.  Notice what the priest said in the video.  The children are dying because of malnutrition which lower their immune systems, making them more susceptible to diseases.  Is it so hard to work together to produce food, like raising chickens that can lay eggs everyday to feed their children?  And they don't even have to work that hard.  There are plenty of wild lush vegetation for the chickens to feed on.  And if they lack access to basic medicine, they could work together to grow herbs gardens to make herbal medicine.  As a matter of fact, all the monasteries in the olden days had herbs gardens to make herbal medicine to heal the people in their community.  But yet the modern people in Venezuela would rather bury their children than work together to feed & heal their children.

All of these needless death and suffering are the consequences of a culture with monogamous mentality.  A mentality of willingness to back-stab, betray, and disregard everyone else in the community in favor of their nuclear family, in favor of their significant others.  They would rather steal, rob, and fight each others than work with each others to get themselves out of this crisis.

Here in America it is no different.  The people in monogamous communities betray & abandon each others without any shame nor remorse.  Take the Flint Michigan water crisis for example.

The incident showed how monogamous people are disconnected and don't care for each others. Those that work for the state, the city, and for the water company only cared about themselves and their own nuclear families. While they knew about the problems, they stayed quiet and drank bottled & filtered water.  They abandoned the rest of the community, and left them to drink the poisoned tainted water knowingly.  They even suppressed information and let people die knowingly.  Unenlightened people will cheer when those responsible are sent to prison.  But so what if they are sent to prison?  It has not change anything.  The monogamous culture will continue to produce new people who are disconnected, who do not care about anyone else but themselves and their own nuclear families.  Such disconnected people will continue to betray their communities, and more people will continue to suffer or die from these betrayal and abandonment. 

Now let's be clear.  We are not saying that every monogamous person will behave like this.  But a monogamous person can only speak for themselves, they cannot speak for how other monogamous people will behave.  Just like not every child who play with matches and gasoline will get burn, but the risk is very high.  In likewise manner, the risk of being betrayed and abandoned while living in a monogamous society is very high.  America is a free country.  People are free to take that risk.  But don't go complaining to the government and get upset about it when people reap the consequences of taking that risky monogamous path.  They made that choice of their own free-will to be monogamous or to live in a monogamous community knowing the risk.  For those who pursue God's way of being intelligent and observant, try to study, witness, and learn from other people pain, suffering, and misfortune; so you can avoid taking the same path that would lead to the same tragic outcome.  Remember: Intelligent people learn without having to suffer, by observing & learning from the suffering of others.  While on the other hand, ignorant & unobservant people learn by suffering through their own mistakes, that are avoidable if only they pay attention to the world around them.  And in making & suffering through avoidable mistakes, they become human experimental subjects providing additional data for intelligent & observant people to learn from.

Let's examine other forms of betrayal & back-stabbing by people who are the products of monogamous societies; so we can elevate our intelligence together to avoid suffering the same outcome.

Notice she is crying not because she is remorseful and shameful that her actions were destroying the minds of children in her community.  She was crying because she missed out on her daughter graduation while behind bars.  Her speech revolved around her own children.  Which indicated that her mind was still preoccupied around her own nuclear family instead of around the suffering of those she'd harmed.  She didn't cry over the fact that she was turning children in her community into drug addicts, never mind the fact that she was poisoning & damaging the brains of these children.  She didn't cry over the fact that the children in her community could have died of drug overdose from the synthetic heroin she was selling them.

Notice also that there were children in this monogamous community who were willing to join her in selling drugs to their fellow classmates.  It demonstrates that these children don't care about what can happen to their fellow peers.  If they were willing to betray others as children, then they will be willing to betray others as adults.  And what happens when these children who are accustomed to betraying their peers grow up to occupy positions in local government?   They will betray their community like what happens in Flint Michigan.  These children were not born into the world this way.  They were shaped by the monogamous environment that they grew up in, to think & behave this way.  This is a glimpse into how the minds of monogamous people work.  Their world revolve around themselves and around their nuclear family & their significant others.  They do not care nor make the effort to think about the harmful consequences of their actions toward others in their community, who are not their significant others.

More and more monogamous people across America are betraying their communities.  Because they are emotionally disconnected from people who are not their significant others, due to the social environment that they grew up in.  It is now spiraling out of control.  For examples.

(Notice how all these people are angry at Rita for betraying them.  But how can they be angry at her betrayal, when she is a product of their very own monogamous community.  She grew up in that community, and was shaped by that community to behave the way she did.  That monogamous community reaped what they'd sowed.  Which is an emotionally disconnected person, who don't care about anyone else who isn't her significant other.  She was willing to betray & steal from her own town people whom she was not emotionally connected to.  While on the other hand, she lavished expensive gifts on her boyfriend that she was emotionally connected to.  And why was she emotionally connected to her boyfriend and no one else?  Because they were sexually intimate.  Sexual intimacy leads to emotional connection.  To counter these disconnection effects that lead to corruption, Community Orgy is employed to promote & ensure that all the adults in our community are emotionally connected to each others [plural].)

The video below is an example of the consequences of putting monogamous people into positions of political power.   They will betray & abandon their own communities, including their own senior citizens.  Because these seniors are not their significant others, the politicians have no love and no emotional connection to them.  Thus, these monogamous politicians have no problem making decision that will result in the evictions of 31,798 elderly senior citizens from their nursing home, effectively forcing these seniors to become homeless.  This is part of the high risk of living in a monogamous society during the last days of mankind.

At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people.  Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. ] -- Matthew 24:10

To be able to stand firm to the end, remember what this founding father of America taught future generations:

“Then join hand in hand, brave Americans all! By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall!”  --  John Dickinson

Recall in previous articles on Community Orgy, we discussed how the monogamous culture regresses people back to their infantile possessive state.  And how people who are in this regressed infantile state are capable of committing all manners of horrific crimes of passion.  We discussed how these horrific crimes were directed at their ex-partners and their children.  But we did not touch upon how innocent bystanders can be victims of these irrational emotional outburst also.  Which we will discuss now.

Because monogamous people are emotionally disconnected from those that are not their significant others; they do not care if their crime of passion behaviors will harm innocent bystanders, including children.  For examples.

Throughout history, many organizations have understood the dangerous side-effects of the monogamous & nuclear family system.  And they weaponized them with great effectiveness in destroying rival communities through the violence, chaos, betrayal, and divisions that were unleashed by this system.

So how dangerous is the monogamous & nuclear family system?  It is so dangerous and so effective at destroying communities, that the United States used it as a weapon to destroy Native American societies.  Recall that after the U.S. rounded up all the Natives and put them on reservations.  What did they do next?  They forced all the Natives on the reservations to adopt a nuclear family lifestyle.  That nuclear family mentality created divisions, betrayal & abandonment in Native American societies, preventing them from working together to pull themselves out of poverty on these reservations.  And so long as Native Americans are kept in poverty, they remain weak and easily subjugated.  Many Native American societies used to be communal prior to their forced relocation onto these reservations.  That communal mentality help them to work together to create abundance and prosperity for everyone in their community.  This abundance & prosperity was well documented by the early European settlers.  For example:

Back then, Native Americans had everything they needed as a connected community.  But today, as a collection of disconnected nuclear families, they struggle to meet their basic needs.

Because of the nuclear family lifestyle that were forced onto them; each is now living for themselves only, instead of living for the community also.  And each only look out for their own nuclear family, instead of looking out for the community also.  Notice from the video that they are scattered as isolated nuclear families all over the reservation (a form of divide and conquer tactic).  The water lady had to drive all over the place to bring water to these remote isolated nuclear families.  There is nothing to stop these Natives from relocating to live and work together as a community on the reservation.  And as a community they would be able to build cisterns and reservoirs to catch rain and snow for water to serve the whole community.  As a matter of fact, all the ancient Natives all over the world built cisterns and reservoirs to ensure that their communities had access to water.  As a community they would also be able to cultivate the land and produce everything they need to live in abundance, just like their ancestors once did.  But instead the modern Natives continue to suffer impoverishment, only because of their unwillingness to give up the nuclear family lifestyle.  Which was never part of their culture to begin with.  Which was forced upon them for the deliberate purpose of destroying their community and destroying their unity.

The United States was not the only one to understand how dangerous, and how effective the monogamous nuclear family system is as a weapon for destroying communities.  The Spanish Conquistadors were employing this very same weapon system to weaken the Natives in South & Latin America several hundred years beforehand.  They would send out Jesuit priests ahead of them to all these Native communities, to convert them into adopting the monogamous nuclear family system.  Which in turn produced not only violent outbreaks of crimes of passion, but also produced people who were willing to betray, back-stab, and abandon their communities.  The Spanish Conquistadors would then come along to exploit the divisions, chaos, and disconnectedness among these communities to conquer them.  And like their counterpart in North America; the modern descendants of Natives in South & Latin America are not able to work together to pull themselves out of poverty either.  Because the monogamous nuclear family system that they perpetuate keeps them divided and disconnected.

Now this is where it gets interesting. There is an old saying: "what goes around, comes around."  This very same monogamous weapon system that was used to destroy the Native communities, is now making its way around destroying non-Native communities across America as well.  Turning friend against friend.  Neighbor against neighbor.  Producing people who are willing to poison their own community, like in the case of Flint Michigan.

People will oppress each other-- man against man, neighbor against neighbor. The young will rise up against the old, the nobody against the honored. ] -- Isaiah 3:5

If you set a trap for others, you will get caught in it yourself. If you roll a boulder down on others, it will crush you instead. ] -- Proverbs 26:27

(Consider the visual messages of the above video: If she had not gotten involved with this possessive monogamous person, she would not have ended up dead.  All monogamous societies crash and burn.  All monogamous societies do not withstand the test of time because they turn their own people against each others, leading to self-destruction.  Humanity's history of repeating self-destruction is a testament to this Truth.)

Since the monogamous social system is so dangerous, why are people dumb enough to keep perpetuating it?  And then turn around to cry and complain about all these horrific consequences that they reap for going down this monogamous path.  It is a very asinine behavior.

Having studied the repeated violence, betrayal, back-stabbing, and indifference behaviors of various monogamous & nuclear family societies that existed through out history; we are determine to break free from this repeating cycle of failure and self-destruction, to protect our community.  To achieve this, we are following GOD's teachings to implement the communal-family model and avoiding the failed monogamous nuclear family model.

Jesus replied, "The people of this age marry and are given in marriage.  But those who are considered worthy of taking part in the age to come and in the resurrection from the dead will neither marry nor be given in marriage, and they can no longer die; for they are like the angels. They are God's children, since they are children of the resurrection. ] -- Luke 20:34

So what is a communal-family?  It is a non-monogamous social structure.  There is no exclusive possessiveness nor favoritism of another human being, such as in the form of a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife; that are commonly found in monogamous society.  A person in a communal-family is mature and evolve enough to include everyone in their community as their significant others.  In other words, they love and care for everyone in their community and not just the people they are physically attracted to.  And because they love and care for everyone in the community, they will not betray, back-stab, nor abandon each others.  Thus, the communal-family will stay unify and stable during crises and hard times, because it is free from the corruption of monogamous favoritism.

The communal-family model is best described as the following:
  • A male should be able to love & care for all the females in the community, and vice versa. 
  • A female should be able to love & care for all the males in the community. 
  • A male should be able to love & care for all the other males in the community like they are his own brothers and is capable of sharing instead of fighting each others over monogamous exclusivity of a woman, and vice versa. 
  • A female should be able to love & care for all the other females in the community like they are her sisters, and is capable of sharing instead of fighting each others over monogamous exclusivity of a man. 
  • Similar line of reasoning applies to those who are of LGBT persuasion.

We are creating a sharing environment in order to ensure unity through love for the village community.  We are creating a loving & caring communal-family environment instead of the selfish monogamous nuclear family environment that conditions people to only care about their own nuclear family first, at the expense and betrayal of other nuclear families.

Remember: Monogamous nuclear family societies promote rivalry, competition, and abandonment among the disconnected members of their societies. (Which is why there are so much poverty & homelessness around the world.  People abandon each others in monogamous societies.  The proof is in the pudding as they say.)  While on the other hand, a communal-family society promote love, collaboration, and faithful loyalty among the physically & emotionally connected members of that society.  People in communal-family society do not abandon each others.  We stand by each others through good times and hard times, because we are emotionally connected which motivate us to choose of our own free-will to love & care for everyone in our village society; which prevents corruption.

If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didn’t love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.   If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God’s secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn’t love others, I would be nothing.  If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it; but if I didn’t love others, I would have gained nothing.  ]  --  1 Corinthians 13:1

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  Love never fails. ]  --  1 Corinthians 13:4

( An angel forgives and keeps no record of wrongs of those who repent, because an angel is love.  To be like an angel is to have the qualities of an angel. )

Because everyone in a communal-family society love & care for each others, that society is resilient against corruption.  No outsider can come in and tempt or bribe any member to betray others in their communal-family that they love dearly.  No outsider can come in and tempt any member to turn a blind eye and let the rest of the community get poison; unlike what happened with the Flint Michigan water crisis, where monogamous people were only too happy to betray their community for greed and personal gain.  In a communal-family society everyone watch each others' backs because they have love for each others, a love that arises from the sexual intimacy they attained at the Community Orgy.  Recall that when a women loves a man, she start looking out for the best interest of the man.  And vice versa.  When a man loves a woman, he start looking out for the best interest of the woman.  When a woman loves all the men in her community, the same protective & nurturing behaviors manifest toward all the men in her communal-family.  And vice versa, when a man loves all the women in his community, the same protective & nurturing behaviors manifest toward all the women in his communal-family.  They become each others extra pairs of eyes and ears, to look out for each others' safety and well being.  And in doing so, a communal-family society fulfills one of the most important principles of freedom (eternal vigilance).  On the other hand, in nuclear family society people are only concern with themselves & with their own nuclear family.  There is no love and no vigilance for the other people of the community because these other people are not their significant others; thus, leaving monogamous community highly vulnerable to betrayal, and highly vulnerable to divide, conquer, and enslavement tactics.

But you must remember, my fellow-citizens, that eternal vigilance by the people is the price of liberty, and that you must pay the price if you wish to secure the blessing. ] --  U.S. President Andrew Jackson, Farewell Address, March 4, 1837

To be continued in part 2.


Clue for those with humility and a gentle heart to understand.

"Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared."  --  Exodus 23:20